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Autor*in: Simone Rafael

Simone Rafael ist studierte Publizistin und Kunsthistorikerin. Nach einem Volontariat an der Hamburger Henri-Nannen-Journalistenschule arbeitet sie seit 2002 für die Amadeu Antonio Stiftung im digitalen Raum: Ab 2002 als Chefredakteurin von www.mut-gegen-rechte-gewalt.de (Kooperation mit dem stern), ab 2009 als Chefredakteurin von www.netz-gegen-nazis.de (Kooperation mit der ZEIT) und ab 2017 als Chefredakteurin von www.belltower.news – Netz für digitale Zivilgesellschaft. Daneben leitet Sie das Digitalteam der Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, entwickelt hier Ideen gegen Rechtsextremismus und Hate Speech im Internet in Form von Kampagnen, Argumentationstrainings und Projektarbeit und berät Organisationen, Politik, Medien und Zivilgesellschaft zum Umgang mit Rechtsextremismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus online.
In times of crisis, mothers are evidently susceptible to QAnon, shown here on Instagram.

QAnon Creates QAmoms Parents Baited Through “Save the Children” Conspiracy

Conspiracy beliefs also come in pastel colours. The “Save the Children” campaign has transformed alternative-medicine practitioners, make-up artists and Insta-moms into passionate QAmoms, spewing the anti-democratic and antisemitic ideology of QAnon into their social circles. We did some digging on Instagram to find out more.

Screenshot from Feuerkrieg Division's Gab.ai account.

Far-Right Terrorism What is the “Feuerkrieg Division”?

Far-right enthusiasts with an interest in terrorism are increasingly organising themselves in “divisions” online – from the “Atomwaffen Division” in the USA to the “Sonnenkrieg Division” in the UK. These international networks also have members in Germany: On February 5, 2020, a 22-year-old man was arrested in the Bavarian district of Cham and is alleged to have played a leading role in the German cell of the “Feuerkrieg Division”. But what is the “Feuerkrieg Division”?

A man sporting a Reich flag at a demonstration against the German government's health measures against the coronavirus in Berlin.

Far-Right Symbols The Reich Flag

The black-white-red flag of the German Reich is a favourite among Nazis old and new. Most recently, it has become a permanent fixture at demonstrations ostensibly against the German government’s measures to fight the Covid19 pandemic. But what exactly is so problematic about this flag and what does the law say in Germany? An overview.

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