Get the Trolls out!: New report examines antisemitic narratives in anti-vax discourse
There is a loud anti-vax scene all over Europe, trying to counter a potential deathly pandemic not with medicine but…
There is a loud anti-vax scene all over Europe, trying to counter a potential deathly pandemic not with medicine but…
TikTok is a platform where the young audience gets in touch with antisemitism in videos, music, filters, hashtags and emoji…
Findings of the new report „Antisemitism in the digital age“ of Amadeu Antonio Foundation, Hope not Hate and Expo show…
Facebook is one of the networks with stricter guidelines against hate content and is deplatforming hate groups. Nonetheless, there is…
Auf Social Media bezeichnen sich manche Menschen, vor allem Männer, als „Super Straight”. Warum diese Form von imaginierter Hyperhetereosexualität eine…
Holocaust deniers have traditionally relied on a number of arguments to try and disprove the Holocaust. The internet helps them…
Within all conspiracy narrations during the pandemic, QAnon and the New World Order form kinds of superconspiracies, which are used…
During the pandemic in 2020 there was also a rise of conspiracy narrations online – including tropes of antisemitism. We…
Update Attila Hildmann: Der antisemitische und rechtsextreme Telegram-Hater und Ex-Koch hatte vor der Pandemie Schulden und eine Freundin in der…
Rechtsextreme nutzen die wachsende Fluchtbewegung, um rassistische Narrative zu verbreiten und Menschen zu jagen, die auf der Suche nach einem…